Monday, May 10, 2010

When i boot up i get a cant find nail.exe and when i try to close ygames it wont and i have to ctrl alt del?

I get a can't find nail.exe prompt when I boot up. I dont know if it has anything to do with yahoo games not closing but they both started at the same time. When I try to close yahoo games the screen disappears but it stays in the bar at the bottom of the page. If I dont do ctrl-alt-del and close it it will freeze up my computer. I have run anti-spyware and anti-virus programs on my pc and it hasnt helped.When i boot up i get a cant find nail.exe and when i try to close ygames it wont and i have to ctrl alt del?
Nail.exe is a compotent of Direct Revenue's spyware program 'Aurora' and is a very nasty program. This site has very detailed instructions on how to take care of it:鈥?/a>

You'll need AdAware SE with the VX2 plugin and HijackThis. The above site has links and all the info you should need.When i boot up i get a cant find nail.exe and when i try to close ygames it wont and i have to ctrl alt del?
Anti spy prygrams, typically toolbars write viruses to your system to make you inclined towards buying their product. Its obvious you have a virus/s on your system. Follow these steps to get rid of them.

Go to start and run msconfig

Deselect eberything in the Service and Startup tabs - this stops the viruses from loading. You'll have to restart your PC.

Go to and download Norton Anti virus and follow the instructions in the .txt file to get the program registered and running. Install Norton and restart your PC

Do a full system scan - Norton will get rid of the viruses on your system.

Run msconfig again and select everything in the Service and Startup tab - this reloads the virus/s and Spyware/Adaware.

Restart your PC - Norton will find the last remnants of the spyware etc and clean your system. Do another full system scan just to be sure.

Reboot your PC - you should be able to connect to the web and get Norton registered and your PC will be fully protected.

Uninstall all toolbars and any other anti virus software thats left.
Go to start, run, type MSCONFIG. Go to the general tab, and look for your said program, it will list as a start up item. Just check the option. Selective Startup and uncheck the option Load Statup items, now you do not neet to worry, if something will go bad. If you uncheck an item that has to stat up with windows, windows till add it back if it HAS TO BE THERE! IF things are still going bad for you, take it into a computer service shop. You've most likely have a virus, and they can help you from there. The Nail.exe might be a virus.

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