Saturday, January 23, 2010

My son pinched his finger and it looks like his nail is going to fall off,what should i do?

what kind of oinments should i use to prevent infection?or is there nothing really i can do?he is only one year old so i don't want to do anything that will cause him more pain or discomfort.My son pinched his finger and it looks like his nail is going to fall off,what should i do?
Just leave it alone.

I had the same thing happen to me a few months back. Smashed my thumb in a car door. Turned black and fell off.

The doctor said not to pop it with a needle to alleviate the pressure (which everyone was recommending) because it could cause infection.

Let nature run its course. Mine was fully heeled with a new nail and everything about 6 months later!My son pinched his finger and it looks like his nail is going to fall off,what should i do?
even though there is still a nail growing under it... u should still take him to the doctor becuase if might get infected... and that's not a good sign.
Don't panic ... it happens to 1,219,939 people every day.
oooooooooooo well i had the same thing

and i went to the doctor to c if it was broken

they really did not do anything

cause there is a new nail growing under the broken one so dont worry
Let it fall of naturally. Wrap it up (non stick...cuz it'll hurt coming off later) and plan on a long recovery....months to grow it back.

Doctor is always the best choice, but if you can't go....this idea will help.....
neosporin. but there is really nothing to do other wise except to let the nail fall off. Eventually, it will stop hurting and then it will just fall off, either all together or in pieces
put a band aid on it
if it is going to fall of you've got to let it, but don't pull it. All you can pretty much do is put some hydrogen peroxide on it with a band-aid. The nail will grow back.
apply neosporin to it.
Take him to the doc. He will probably put a small hole in the nail to relieve the pressure and stop the nail from falling off altogether as well as prescribe any medications for infection.
Squeez nail and let the blood run out and under the nail. Then stick it under sum cold water and put sum neosporin on it and put a bandaid on tight but not to tight. just enough to let air in and you put it on too tight the nail might fall off. thats what i did when it happen to my little brother .
Doctor or emergency room.
other than booboo kisses and bandaids, just let nature take it's course! Sorry =(
Let it do its thing
Put ice on it for a while to help numb it..but if he didn't break the skin it shouldn't get infected. If it did break the skin I would put some triple antibotic ointment on it (this does not burn or sting). May want to give him some Tylenol. It's a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory. Will help take the swelling down, and ease the pain a bit. I'd keep it covered with a band-aid for a while to make sure he doesn't catch it on something and rip the nail off....

Sorry to hear this... Poor lil guy! My 9 year old son slammed his toe in the garage door and eventually lost his nail. Took a couple of months for it to fall off though... Hope he feels better! Lots of luvin mommy!!

Hope this helps!

p.s. It will heal and begin to grow a new nail underneath before this nail falls off.....
Take him to the doctor it may need to be removed.
The nail will grow back.

You can put a little Neosporin on a bandaid and wrap it to prevent infection. Make sure you wash his hands often.

A baby aspirin will help if there's any pain.
if the nail is loose finish pulling it off.It'll hurt for a few but will get better
Usually the nail will turn black and fall off and a new one will grow in. It happened so many times to my little brother. Just clean it and put ointment so it wont get infected and let the new one grow in.
I wouldn't use any creams on it until you've called the doctor and asked. At that age, there are probably a million medications you shouldn't use.

But don't worry. I've lost a fingernail (and a toenail) before, and they grow back. Except they tend to grow slower (like my finger) or faster (like my toe) than the rest of my nails do.

Hope the little tyke feels better soon.
Neosporian,and put a band aid on it and the nail will pro bally fall off dont try to pull the nail off let it fall off by its self.
no really much you can do.. if it does fall off keep a bandage on it
It won't bother him for long. It will bother you much more! Neosporin Pain is good, but only if you can bandage it in a way that prevents him from licking it or eating it.

I'd just keep it clean as possible until it heals, and discourage his putting his finger in his mouth.
That recently happened to my nephew, who is 5, only he actually did lose his nail, the had to stich it back in to try to prevent infection. Definitely keep it covered, and maybe you should take him to a doctor to take a look at it just to be safe. I'm sure they will give you an ointment to keep on it.
You can use bacitracin to prevent infection. About the nail falling off, if it is going to fall off it will and there is nothing we can do about it but just leave it alone. Once the new one starts coming in it will push the old one off by itself. If the nail starts to fall and before the new one pushes it off and it is hanging where it can get caught on things then you may want to take it off easily but not until it is really falling off and hanging sort of saying. Hope this was of help.
I have 4 kids and my youngest is 23 mths old. I also work at a daycare center. Clean his hand as good as possible by boiling it out with Peroxide. Then lubricate the finger very well with Neosporine (Pain relief) kind. This will heal it very quick and help with the pain. Put a Band-aid on the finger and repeat this daily until healed. Since he's so young, you may have to do this multiple times daily. There's no such thing as over doing'll just speed the healing process.

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