Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Does nail polish stop growing my nails or it makes them grow faster??

nope.... nail polish doesnt affect nail growth. nail polish if u use it correctly with base coat an top coat, will only affect how healthy your nail will be.

the reason your nail will turn yellow is cause either u put too long or that u never put a basecoat before putting nail polish.Does nail polish stop growing my nails or it makes them grow faster??
Nail polish will prevent the oxygen from going to your nails. If you keep it on for too long or keep putting layers over layers of it then fungus can develop and/or turn your nails turn yellow. The best way to make your nails grow faster is to have a well balanced diet. Vitamins and minerals are important for your whole body anyways. Since I've been taking calcium supplements I have found that my nails grow so much faster. It's actually kind of annoying for me cause I hate taking care of my nails.

Ps. never take more vitamins or other supplements than what is indicated on the box.

Good luck!Does nail polish stop growing my nails or it makes them grow faster??
It depends on the Nail polish that you use.

There are some nail polishes that are specifically meant to help your nails grow faster and stronger, there many sally hanson nail products like this.

Other nail polish may not stop your nails from growing, but if you are constantly wearing nail polish it can cause your nails to turn a yellowish color. If that is your problem just don't wear nail polish until the yellowish color grows out or fades.
It dosn't do anything to your nails... It just puts a coat of acitone on them which will make them stop growing if you use it all the time

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