Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is it ok to use those adhesive nail caps (soft paws) on puppies?

i have a shiba inu puppy so obviously she is growing. but i also have hardwood floors. i have heard from many people that soft paws/claws are great and don't hurt the dog. but is it okay to use on a growing puppy? or should i use those booties until she is bigger? the problem with the booties is that she pulls them off.Is it ok to use those adhesive nail caps (soft paws) on puppies?
You can but really watch for her swallowing them or chewing them off which is what most dogs do. Starting her to become accustomed in nail grinding is a better bet than dealing with that. Shibas are kinda touchy about their feet - I have one too so start slow or take to groomer/vet for lessons.Is it ok to use those adhesive nail caps (soft paws) on puppies?
Why don't you just clip the nails so they are not touching the floor? We have always used the Dremel tool, but you should really be getting the puppy used to clipping, anyway, so it doesn't become such a chore when she gets older. If the nails are fragmented, you can always file them.
Interesting questions, but don't see why you can't use them for awhile. They last about a month. You will have to trim the nails before you put on the nail caps.
She also will most likely chew off the nail caps too. You do not want her to choke on anything.
Just clip the nails.
no, just clip the sharp tips off the nails.
I wouldn't use such things on my dogs. Why not put down a lot of throw rugs? That's what I did!
IDK, i just need some points =]....j/k..... no its not

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