Sunday, December 27, 2009

If you cut ';V'; shape in your nail, does it help the nail from becoming in- grown?

No! All it does is give the nail the opportunity to split into the nail bed and become infected. The best way to avoid ingrown toenails is to cut the nail straight across at the top without allowing them to round over at the corners.If you cut ';V'; shape in your nail, does it help the nail from becoming in- grown?

Just wondering how your nail is coming along. You can contact me, if you'd like to follow-up. Just remember to wait until the corner of you nail has grown COMPLETELY past the tip of your toe before you start cutting it... and ALWAYS straight across. You'll never have that problem again.

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If you cut ';V'; shape in your nail, does it help the nail from becoming in- grown?
Sometimes, but it doesn't always work.
No. V-cuts don't do anything.

The best way to prevent ingrown nails aside from wearing less-restrictive footwear(im assuming youre talking about toes) is to cut the nail straight accross instead of a curve.
A friend of mine swears by it.
I've heard that, but have tried it and had no success. The best way to prevent ingrown nails is to cut the nail straight across and not down into the corners to round the nail off.

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